Simple Solutions for a Burnt Coil in Your Disposable Vape

The love affair with vaping is a tale of modern culture that blends trends, technology, and personal choice with controversy and camaraderie. In this niche world, disposable vapes have sailed into the mainstream, offering admirable convenience and satisfying puffs of vapor. But as any experienced vaper will tell you, the frustration of a burnt coil can spoil the puff. In this guide, we’ll examine the vexing burnt coil problem and uncover simple solutions to keep your disposable vape performing at its peak.

Understanding Burnt Coils

At the heart of your disposable vape pen is a small coil typically made of wire, cotton, and sometimes ceramic. This coil is the workhorse, responsible for heating the e-liquid to produce vapour when you take a drag. However, coils don’t last forever and misuse or neglect can lead to them burning out faster than expected. This leaves a distinct, unpleasant taste that can’t be missed. But what exactly causes that burnt taste?

Why Coils Burn Out

The most common culprits behind coil burnout include:

  • Dry Hits: When you take a hit without enough e-liquid to vaporize, the dry coil overheats and can burn the wicking material.
  • Chain Vaping: Puffing too frequently can lead to an overheated coil and subsequent scorching of the wick.
  • Sweet E-Liquids: Liquids high in sweeteners can caramelize, leaving a residue that eventually burns and affects the coil.
  • High Wattage: Using too high of a wattage can quickly exceed the recommended heat tolerance for your coil.

How to fix a burnt coil in a disposable vape?

Though the most effective ‘fix’ for a burnt coil is typically replacement, there are scenarios where you might be able to eke out a little more life before that switch is necessary. Follow these steps to potentially revive your coil:

Step 1: Clean the Coil

  • Begin by disassembling the vape pen as much as safely possible.
  • Use a cotton swab lightly soaked in distilled water or ethanol to gently clean the coil and remove any gunk.
  • Dry the coil thoroughly before reassembling the pen.

Step 2: Prime the Coil

  • Once cleaned, prime the coil by saturating the wick with e-liquid.
  • To do this, reassemble the pen and fill it with e-liquid, ensuring the wick is well saturated.
  • Before taking a draw, allow several minutes for the liquid to soak into the coil fully.

Step 3: Gradually Reuse the Coil

  • If the taste is slightly better but still unpleasant, use the pen at very low wattage or voltage to provide a gentle heat to the cleaned coil.
  • Slowly increase the power until you find the balance between sufficient heat and avoiding a re-burn.

It’s important to note that this method is not always successful and can sometimes lead to a waste of e-liquid. If the taste remains burnt after these steps, it’s time to replace the coil.

Simple Solutions for Prevention

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and this adage holds true for vape coils. Here are some simple habits to help your disposable vape last longer:

Regular Maintenance

  • Commit to a regular cleaning schedule; a weekly deep clean can significantly extend the life of your coil.

Prime New Coils

  • When you replace your coil, prime it properly before using the device. A few drops directly onto the wick and then wait a few minutes for the wick to soak the e-liquid can prevent the initial burn that happens with a dry wick.

Watch Your Settings

  • Know and adhere to the recommended wattage ranges for your coil to avoid overheating.

Attend to Overuse

  • Give your disposable vape a break between hits to avoid overheating.

Quality E-Liquids

  • Opt for e-liquids with fewer sweeteners or additives that could speed up residue build-up.

The Future of Vaping

Considering the frequency of burnt coil complaints, manufacturers are making strides to develop coils that resist burns or are more easily cleaned. The disposable vapes of tomorrow might boast self-cleaning technology or better materials that fend off residue build-up. This is a market to watch as it evolves to meet the demands of more discerning vapers.

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